

Com a queda de patentes é revelado o lucro abusivo dos grandes laboratórios detentores das marcas dos medicamentos

Após queda de patente, Pfizer faz acordo para fabricar Lípitor genérico no Brasil

Dez dias depois de a versão genérica do Lípitor (artovastatina) chegar às farmácias por força de liminar obtida pelo laboratório EMS, a multinacional Pfizer, fabricante da droga, anunciou uma parceria com a Eurofarma para lançar outro genérico do medicamento.

Multinacional fabricante de remédio contra colesterol sofre derrota na Justiça em SP
Genérico de droga contra colesterol chega às farmácias
Farmacêutica vence licitação com remédio genérico contra colesterol

O remédio é o redutor de colesterol mais vendido em todo o mundo.

Ontem, a patente de Lípitor expirou por decisão judicial. Isso vai abrir caminho para que outras empresas nacionais fabriquem genéricos e similares do Lípitor.

A versão genérica é, no mínimo, 35% mais barata do que o remédio de marca.

De acordo com Freddy Guarin, diretor da unidade de negócios de cuidados primários da Pfizer, a empresa produzirá e fornecerá o genérico da atorvastatina para a Eurofarma. A farmacêutica brasileira, por sua vez, vai promover, distribuir e comercializar o medicamento em território nacional.

Ele afirma que as companhias aguardam a aprovação do genérico pela Anvisa (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária), mas a previsão é que o produto chegue ao mercado em setembro.

Guarin diz que a parceria com a Eurofarma foi fechada em abril, portanto, antes da expiração da patente.

No início deste mês, a EMS conseguiu uma liminar (que perde o efeito com a decisão judicial de ontem) que a autorizou a fabricação e a comercialização da versão genérica do Lípitor.

Com essa mesma liminar, a empresa colocou o remédio nas farmácias e venceu duas licitações públicas, em Minas e em São Paulo, por oferecer o menor preço.

No pregão da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de SP, realizado no início desta semana, a empresa vendeu mais de 7 milhões de comprimidos a R$ 0,90 o valor unitário.

A Pfizer também participou da concorrência e havia dado preço inicial de R$ 2,40 a unidade. Durante o pregão, reduziu o valor para R$ 0,92.


Sobre a decisão judicial em favor do Inpi (Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial), que pôs fim à patente do Lípitor, a Pfizer informa que acata, mas discorda da medida e que só vai se manifestar sobre o assunto ao tomar conhecimento do inteiro teor da decisão.

A polêmica gira em torno do prazo da patente obtida por "pipeline" -reconhecimento automático que o governo brasileiro dá a patentes concedidas no exterior.

Para o Inpi, deve ser considerada a data do primeiro registro da droga no exterior. Já as farmacêuticas defendem a data mais recente -se um remédio recebeu a primeira patente nos EUA e, um ano depois, teve outra na Europa, passaria a valer essa data. CLÁUDIA COLLUCCI

Sobre o Lipitor:

How Lipitor Generic Works

Before using Lipitor generic, it is important to know, what it is and how it works. The medication belongs to HMG CoA reductase inhibitors, called «statins». It treats people with heightened cholesterol, including certain inherited cholesterol disorders. It requires lifestyle changes – smoking quitting and is taken along with a diet low in cholesterol and in fat and exercises regimen.

Lipitor generic blocks enzyme, making cholesterol in the liver. As a result, the level of cholesterol decreases and low-density lipoprotein along with high-density lipoprotein raises are observed. It helps to reduce the risks of sudden heart attack and some other heart disease. Moreover, Lipitor generic reduces the risk factors for those, who even don’t experience any heart disease symptoms. It is usually prescribed for people, inclined to heart disease – males, persons of 55 years old or older, with high blood pressure, diabetes, enlarged heart ventricles, smoking people and for those, who have family history of heart disease.

Lipitor generic is a part-time medication, and is usually taken not more than for 2 – 4 weeks, till the significant effects on the cholesterol level in the patient`s blood disappear. To make sure of it effectiveness it is necessary to make blood test, showing cholesterol level.

It is very important to consult a doctor before Lipitor using, otherwise it can be dangerous. It also shouldn’t be given to any other person without doctor`s prescription, even in case, if the symptoms are similar to yours.

The effects of treatment while using Lipitor generic can be observed only, if it is taken along with cholesterol-lowering diet, by physical exercise and appropriate professional health care according to some individualized program of weight control.

The daily range of Lipitor generic for adults is 10-80mg. It is preferable to take it in the evening while having supper or without food. It is important to tell the doctor about your preferences in food, because, some of it can not be combined with Lipitor generic – grapefruit juice, for instance, sometimes interacts with this medication.

The daily dose recommended for children of age 10-17 years old suffering from inherited cholesterol disorders is 10-20mg. Greater doses of Lipitor generic for them haven’t been studied yet.

The dose of Lipitor generic for each person is prescribed individually, according to many things, for instance, taking other medications, body weight, or other medical conditions. Only a doctor can decide what dose of the medication should be prescribed in each case. The recommended dose of Lipitor generic shouldn’t be increased without doctor`s consulting.

For the results of treatment to be better, it is necessary to follow the diet, suggested by the doctor strictly and to take Lipitor generic as regularly, as it is prescribed. If the dose was missed, it should be taken as soon, as it would be possible and then the regular schedule should be continued. Double dose of the medication shouldn`t be taken instead of missed one. If the patient doesn’t know, what to do, if the dose was missed, one should consult a doctor.

Lipitor generic should be stored at the room temperature. One should keep it out of children in order they couldn’t reach it and take, otherwise it can cause harm. It should not be disposed in wastewater – in the toilet or down the sink, for instance, and in the household garbage.

Anyone suffering from allergic to some ingredients of the medication, who plans on becoming or is pregnant, breast-feeding or having unexplained increases in liver function tests or active liver disease should take Lipitor generic.

Lipitor is a popular medical product often sought after for treatment with cases of high cholesterol and high triglycerides, as well as to prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Lipitor falls under a category of drugs called statins, which have the function of blcking enzymes that controls the cholesterol production rates in your body.

The generic name for Lipitor is atorvastatin calcium, which is basically used to treat a variety of heart disease-related conditions. Here are some of the common uses of Lipitor:

· For lowering the cholesterol counts in people who have high counts, commonly known as hypercholesterolemia. The product aims to reduce LDL, ApoB, and triglycerids, as well as raise HDL. Stated simply, Lipitor reduces the bad cholesterols and raise the good ones.

· For lowering the trygliceride count for those who specifically have high counts.

· Additional treatment for those who have homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia.

· To reduce the risk of heart disease, and reduce complications for those who already have the condition.

Lipitor is manufactured by Pfizer, Inc., one of the leading drug manufacturers in the entire world.

As mentioned before, Lipitor is under the statins class of drugs. It blocks the HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme that manipulates cholesterol production of the body. By doing so the liver is led to produce less cholesterol. In addition to this function, Lipitor also does the following:

· Strengthen the liver’s collection and disposal of bad cholesterol.

· Increases the good cholesterol.

· Reduces the triglycerides.

Of course, Lipitor takes action in cases where cholesterol treatment is not achieved by weight loss, adequate exercise and proper diet alone, which are basically the main tools for the treatment in general. This means that it’s always advisable for patients to take their own initiative and help themselves become healthy by living a healthier lifestyle, and use Lipitor as a way to help them out.

With respect to cholesterol treatment, the main idea is to reduce the count levels of bad cholesterol such as the LDL, which are responsible for increasing risks of getting heart diseases. If you have a higher risk rate, the more LDL you have to reduce.

Studies have shown that people who take Lipitor 10 mg had a decrease of LDL cholesterol by as much as 39%, triglycerides by 19%, and total cholesterol by 29%, and had a 6& raise on HDL cholesterol. And the dosage increase in the study resulted to stronger effects.

Here are some general guidelines for taking Lipitor:

· Since it’s in tablet form, you can take it once a day with a glass of water. This can be taken with or without having eaten first.

· It doesn’t matter if you take the medication in the morning or at night – what’s important is that you remain consistent with the time of the day you take Lipitor each day.

· Most importantly, follow the doctor’s prescriptions. Otherwise, it just won’t work. Some of the factors that doctors take into consideration when giving the proper dosage are:

o Your age

o The condition Lipitor is being used for treatment

o The existence of other medical conditions alongside the one being treated

o The existence of other medication you are currently taking

These factors are specially managed by the doctor, so listen to the prescription always. Only adjust your medication when your doctor tells you so.

Lipitor also has side effects, the most common of which are:

· Headaches

· Muscle, joint, and abdominal pains

· Rashes

· Diarrhea

While these may be normal, it’s always safer to see the doctor in case any of these side effects begin to manifest.

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