

Ex mulher

25% dos homens sonham com a ex

sonho erótico
Foto: ThinkerStock
Pelo menos entre os mais de dois mil que participaram de um estudo inglês (veja abaixo). A maioria dos entrevistados está  em um  novo relacionamento e feliz com a atual namorada/mulher, mas tem sonhos com a ex frequentemente. O estudo não diz extamente qual o tipo de sonho. Tenho uma amiga que surtaria se descobrisse que o namorado sonha com a ex (mesmo que o teor não seja erótico). E você, se incomodaria? Aliás, você costuma ter sonhos mais calientes com o seu ex?

 Ex-factor: One in four men still dreams about past girlfriends (while women dream about their mums)
The battle against the green-eyed monster is hard enough at the best of times.
Now though, jealous women have even more to worry about. A new study has revealed that one in four men regularly dream about their ex-girlfriends.
And the results, released today, revealed that the men in question were not necessarily pining for their exes by day. In fact, the majority reported high levels of satisfaction with their current relationship.
Sweet dreams: One in four men admit they regularly dream about their ex partners
Sweet dreams: One in four men admit they regularly dream about their ex partners
It is not just ex-partners that British men are dreaming about either. 
While romantic-minded girlfriends might allow themselves to believe they are the subject of their man's dreams, they are likely to be usurped during nighttime hours by their partner's colleagues or boss - with 26 per cent saying they dream of workmates - or even their mother-in-law.
Conversely, over a third of British women say they spend their nights dreaming about their current partner, followed closely by dreams about their parents and their children.
The Dream Study, carried out by Premier Inn, asked 2,000 Brits about their dream patterns to come up with the findings. 
It found the close friendships women tend to hold also impact on their dreams, with a third of women claiming their dreams frequently feature their friends.
What's on his mind? Men dream about past loves, while women dream about current relationships, their children and their parents
What's on his mind? Men dream about past loves, while women dream about current relationships, their children and their parents
However, it seems women are just as capable of fantasy, as 20 per cent say they frequently dream about people they have never met.
The stresses and strains of everyday life also affect the way we dream, with 31 per cent of people saying they dream about important things that are playing on their mind.
Given the current economic climate, it's unsurprising that 20 per cent of Brits dream more if they are under pressure, demonstrating that it is increasingly difficult to forget about work.
Claire Haigh, spokesperson for Premier Inn said, 'Dreams are one part of our lives that we have no control over. Even though we may not see people regularly, they can still feature regularly in our dreams.
'The research showed that we dream most often when something is playing on our minds or we are experiencing stress, so having a short break to get away from it all could help us to switch off and enjoy a good night’s sleep.'
Dream expert Davina MacKail said: 'Our dreams help us learn, grow and process our emotions. So it's no surprise we tend to have more nightmares when stressed and will dream about our problems as our dreaming mind tries to solve them for us.
'A calm, relaxing environment and a great night's sleep goes a long way to ensuring more peaceful dreams. 
Women tend to be more emotionally open within relationships and so dream about current relationship issues, whereas men tend not to explore their emotions outwardly. 
'This means they have a tendency to work issues out via their dreams - hence they dream of exes. It may illustrate emotional vulnerabilities and insecurities they are exploring within their current partner.'

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